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The highest quality
and business ethics
is our way to excellence

Quality, Competence,
and Standardsare the
focal determinants
guiding our actions

is the key
to our customers’ satisfaction

is the key
to our customers’ satisfaction

The highest quality
and business ethics
is our way to excellence

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Quality, Competence,
and Standardsare the
focal determinants
guiding our actions

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is the key
to our customers’ satisfaction

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is the key
to our customers’ satisfaction

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News - General
ANNA KOLISZ - Chairman of the Board awarded with the "Success Story Written by Anna” Statuette.

ANNA KOLISZ - Chairman of the Board awarded with the "Success Story Written by Anna” Statuette.


Anna Kolisz - Chairman of Ankol's Board of Directors - was nominated for the ,,Success Story Written by Anna" award and on 4th August in Warsaw, she took part in the evening Gala of the ANNA-lia 2016 event. Representatives of many fields such as business, politics, culture, science and media, were present at the glamorous Gala. During this event, much attention was given to women bearing the name ANNA and recognitions were awarded to this year's leader ladies. From among this group, Anna Kolisz was honoured with the "Success Story Written by Anna" statuette for her lifetime work in business and for her style.

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